Dynalec Controls

Eddy Current Dynamometers

The Engine Cranking System consists of an AC Motor with Belt & Pulley Arrangement for giving drive to shaft of the starting mechanism. The starting mechanism uses pneumatic cylinders to push the shaft which is provided with a toothed ring for engagement with mating toothed ring on the dyno shaft. A Frequency Controller (V.F.D.) is used for cranking engine at a desired speed of cranking.

The engine cranking unit (positioned at non-driving end of dyno) and Dyno are mounted on a common base-frame. The frequency controller is used for cranking the engine at a desired speed of cranking and also for smooth engagement of cranking mechanism.


Type : Motorized with pneumatic cylinders
Motor : AC Induction 3-phase(Make: CGL/Siemens)
Frequency Controller : ABB/
Starting Speed : settable thru’VFD
Drive thru’ : Belt and Pulley type arrangement
Safety interlocks : proximity Switch for engagement and spped feedback for dis-engagement with free wheel clutch

Engine-cranking-unit img
When ‘ENGINE CRANK’ command is given, AC motor starts running at a slow speed and at the same time pneumatic cylinders push forward the drive shaft of the starting mechanism forward. The toothed ring mounted on the drive shaft gets engaged with the mating toothed ring mounted on the non-driving end of the dyno rotor shaft and as soon as it gets engaged which is sensed by a proximity switch, motor starts running at cranking speed set on the VFD.